It is the Buyers responsibility that the mailing address provided in their Paypal is accurate or the Buyer is to notify that it is incorrect.

Due to the nature of my small-batch boutique inventory, all sales are final unless there is damage during shipment. Buyer must contact Seller within 24 hours of receipt of damaged item(s) and provide images of damaged goods. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to return the damaged item(s) to the Seller in order to receive a refund of the price of the damaged item(s) only. Once received by the Seller, a refund will be issued through PayPal to the Buyer. Return postage is the responsibility of the Buyer.

Seller is not responsible for any damage to item(s) after receipt by the Buyer.

For international sales, the Seller is not responsible for tracking shipments after they have left the continental United States (per United States Postal Service policies). Any customs charges are the responsibility of the Buyer.